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Vendor Information

If you would like to be a vendor for Forward City Con please contact or call 251-943-1031.


All vendors must have a business license through the county and through the city of Foley.


If you have a business license for the city of Foley as well as a county business license, then there is no need for you to apply for any other license type.


If you do not have any type of business license with the county, then you will need to request a Transient Vendor License to participate in Forward City Con and sell any items. You can contact the county/state office at 251-970-4059 or 251-937-0260. Foley Satellite Courthouse phone is 251-943-5061. More info on Festival/Vendor licenses with the county can be found at


You will also need to apply for a City of Foley Special Event business license. You can reach our Foley Revenue Office by calling 251-943-1545. Please ask for Jamie Smith of the Revenue Office.  More info can be found on the “Festival Vendors Important Notice". 


You may be required to complete another application for the City of Foley based on the info provided on the Foley Special Event business license application.

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